
Do Single People Have Better Lives?

I have been single now for three years and all my friends and family are wondering when I am going to find another person to be with. I chose to stay single to concentrate on my business which is one reason my ex and I broke up. I was so stressed when I was married because of financial and emotional responsibilities. Every day I would work all day then go to work my night job that paid the bills. I was under constant attack by my wife for not giving her enough attention. She didn’t understand why I had to spend so much time building my business. She was fine with where we were in life. I was not fine with scraping by and wanted to do something about it. I knew that if I kept at it my business would eventually reward my efforts. Just as my business started to blossom my wife decided s...

10 Simple Ways to Show Her You Are A Gentleman

If you look up the definition of chivalry it says “(of a man or his behavior) courteous and gallant, especially toward women.” For most men this has been lost over the years and no longer exists. It seems like being a gentleman has become a thing of the past. There are many ways that a man can show a woman that he respects her and wants her to feel special. We have compiled a list of ten things you can do to show that your father raised you right and you know how to treat a woman. Most guys don’t realize that their behavior towards women reflects how they were raised and how they value women in general. Being courteous has become lost on a whole generation that has no idea how to court a woman properly. If you do these simple things women will look at you differently and ...

How to Choose Wine for a Dinner Date

Being single in today’s world is complicated and moves quickly with all the apps and dating sites. In order to find that perfect match people will go through all kinds of trouble. When you meet someone new that you are interested in, you want to put your best foot forward. The other person is most likely talking to multiple people, and you are just one of the many trying to win them over. A good way to show how worldly you are, you can use knowledge of wine as a way of impressing a potential partner. Wine can be erotic and sensual when used the right way. Wine has been shared by people going back thousands of years. Almost every culture on Earth has rituals and celebrations that include wine. A basic knowledge of wine is paramount when going out to dinner or making a meal for a date ...

Valentine’s Day And You Are Single

My whole life I have had a girlfriend for Valentine’s Day so I always had to come up with something to make them happy. Usually I would get some flowers or chocolate for her and a card with something nice written in it. It was always a pain in the ass. I am not jaded on the whole thing I just think it is a waste of money. I think if you love someone you should show them daily with your actions. Why should this one day be more special than the rest of the year. I was a bartender for years and that made me hate the day even more. I would get all those people who never go out who would want to sit at the bar and act like they are so loving. They would expect superior service on the busiest day of the year and then tip like shit. So this year I am single and I am so happy that I am. Many...

What To Get Your Man For Valentine’s Day

Last week we shared thoughts about what a guy can get his girl for Valentine’s Day. For any girl out there wondering what to get their man we have a few ideas that may help. Firstly, understand that most guys do not like Valentine’s Day. We see it as a way to extort money from us by big corporations. We have just shelled out money for Christmas and the credit card statements are coming in now. Without bitching any more I went back to a time when I actually liked Valentine’s Day. That was in high school when you could send a flower to someone you had a secret crush on and no one knew who was sending flowers to whom. I had a girlfriend but some girl in the school also had an eye for me and sent me a flower. My girlfriend at the time was not happy. I acted like it was no big...

#firstdate What she looks like in profile then when you meet

We have all been there, you see a beautiful pic and when you show up for the date you get a real surprise. Share your horror stories with us and we will share them with the world. #firstdate

What To Get Your Girl For Valentine’s Day

I have so many friends that have no idea what to get their girl for Valentine’s Day. Then at the last minute they are running around buying crap that she is not going to appreciate because she knows that you bought it last second without thought. Don’t be that guy at the mall shopping the day before. If you want to know what to get your girl this Valentine’s Day keep reading. I have always had good luck with my girlfriends in the past by actually putting thought into my gifts on Valentine’s Day. First, you have to do a little feeling out in the weeks leading up to the big day. I like to work my ideas into everyday conversation. I may ask her if she has had a massage lately because I was thinking about getting one. I may ask her which girlfriend she likes to spend ti...

He Cheated With My Best Friend

My name is Kim and I am 18. My boyfriend recently cheated with my best friend when I was out of town. I went home for the winter break and my boyfriend stayed at school so I knew that something was going to happen. I just never would imagine that my best friend would be the one he cheated with. It has obviously ended my relationship with him and my friendship with her. The thing is, they are both saying it is my fault. My X-best friend Logan and my X-boyfriend Drew have both blamed me. Logan told Drew that I had kissed another guy at a party when we first started dating. Which was true, but we were only dating at that point. It was a few kisses and nothing more. I never told Drew and when he heard from Logan he flipped out. Logan was obviously jealous of our relationship to do something li...

My Ex Did This in Her Sleep So We Broke Up

Have you ever been with someone and there is one thing that drives you crazy? I met Julia at school and we hit it off immediately. She was beautiful and fun and had a great body. We had a ton of things in common and life was fantastic. From time to time she would stay at my place or I would go to hers. We were the perfect couple that didn’t smother each other. When she would want to hang with her friends I would go with mine. After about 2 months we started getting serious and we decided to be exclusive. Although we were already, we just made the deal out loud. It was a great time and I was so happy that I had her. Because we were getting so close we ended up spending the night together just about every night. When she stayed at my place she had to fight the dogs for space. I have 2 ...

My Girl is Still Facebook Friends With Ex.

About a year ago I met a girl name Teresa. She worked with a friend and he introduced us and we hit it off. We started dating and things were wonderful so we decided to become exclusive. Teresa is beautiful and has a great personality. When we started talking about past relationships it seemed we both had been cheated on and weren’t about to let that happen again. We agreed that we would be completely honest even if it hurt the other persons feelings. From time to time she would tell me about creeper dudes that would hit on her at the gym or at work. I appreciated her being honest about things so I never questioned her. She had told me about a boyfriend from her past that had treated her like crap, cheated and lied daily. She proclaimed her hate for him and I never gave it a second t...

The X That Loved Himself

My name is Jeri and I wanted to write about my ex-boyfriend. I met Kenny when we were freshman in college. He was tall and good looking which was obvious when I met him. His body was perfect and I was in love with that as well. We dated for 4 years of college and it was a love affair like no other. We had ups and downs like all couples but we always stayed together. We decided to move in together after school and both got good jobs. The plan was to get married and have children and live happily ever after. Kenny was a work out person and I did also but not as much. He was so concerned about his appearance that he would criticize me if I gained a little weight or if I wasn’t all dressed up when we went anywhere. Other than that things were great and I felt like he was the man I was go...

My X Was a Total Bitch

I always read that people break up for good reasons such as cheating and lack of sex. I dumped my girl of 6 years because I couldn’t take her bitchiness any longer. She of course thought I was wrong and didn’t see what she did wrong. Her family and mine were in shock. Our friends took sides and the guys agreed with me and the girls with her. I wanted to put my story out there and see who was at fault. Danielle and I worked together for about a year before we started dating. We were both bartenders and had fun working together. We would go out with the staff from the restaurant just about every night after work. At the time I had just gotten out of a previous relationship and was not looking at all for someone. One night while we were out drinking things got flirty and the next ...

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