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Valentine’s Day And You Are Single

Valentine’s Day And You Are Single

My whole life I have had a girlfriend for Valentine’s Day so I always had to come up with something to make them happy. Usually I would get some flowers or chocolate for her and a card with something nice written in it. It was always a pain in the ass. I am not jaded on the whole thing I just think it is a waste of money. I think if you love someone you should show them daily with your actions. Why should this one day be more special than the rest of the year. I was a bartender for years and that made me hate the day even more. I would get all those people who never go out who would want to sit at the bar and act like they are so loving. They would expect superior service on the busiest day of the year and then tip like shit. So this year I am single and I am so happy that I am. Many people will sit at home and think that they are lonely and they are missing out on the perfect person to share the day with. It is all an illusion created by Hallmark commercials. The perfect person does not exist and if you need a day to prove to someone you love them then you are not in love. Don’t be sad that you are alone, instead embrace the fact that you are not with the wrong person. Celebrate that you are strong enough to be alone during holidays. Celebrate the fact that you are not going to buy into the corporate machine and spend a bunch of money you can’t afford to spend. As a former bartender I can tell you that Valentine’s Day is actually the perfect time to find someone. Do yourself a favor and go out alone or with another single friend. You are guaranteed that if you do meet someone they are most likely single also. This day unlike most others will have most of the scumbags out with their wives or girlfriends that they said they don’t have. A lot of bars will have specials just for singles and you can meet someone very easily. Being single is not a curse, it is the most liberating feeling in the world. Never having to ask permission to do what you want to do is pretty awesome. I have tons of friends in relationships that they can’t get out of and they wish they were single. My married friends are miserable and they go through life with no excitement. Their marriages have lost that fire that they once had. Their kids are driving them up the wall. I am going to celebrate the fact that I am single on Valentine’s Day. I am going to go out and drink my face off and if I meet someone then that is a bonus. If not I will return home to my dogs and appreciate how much they love me. No matter what you do this Valentine’s Day don’t sit at home and watch “The Notebook” with a bottle of wine and cry your eyes out. All those couples you see are not as happy as they may seem. There is no fairy tale waiting for you someday. If you are lucky enough to meet the right person and fall in love then more power to you. As for me, I am going out to capitalize on drink specials and the tons of single women who still think there is Mr. right out there looking for them.

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